China Dehumidifier Industry Status and Future

Dehumidifiers belong to a small member of the refrigeration and air conditioning family. At present, the main producing areas of global dehumidifiers are concentrated in Italy, Japan, and China Taiwan. China's position in the global dehumidifier market is not significant. In particular, household dehumidifiers have been export-oriented, but have just been recognized by Chinese consumers.

Dehumidifier products can be divided into two major categories: home and commercial. The industry also classifies commercial dehumidifiers into two categories, civil and industrial. This article will provide a shallow analysis of the industry from multiple perspectives.

Current situation: Domestic market, consumer and commercial are very different

The development of domestic dehumidifiers in China has been more than ten years old, but it is still in a preliminary state. The overall capacity is very limited and far from being scaled. Exports are the main sales direction of domestic household dehumidifiers. The total dehumidifier export volume of the 13 major companies monitored by the China Business Network in 2001 was only 200,000 units, and by 2005 it had reached 2.05 million units. According to statistics, in 2005 China's total dehumidifier sales were 2.5 million units, of which nearly 96% were for export. Although exports have grown rapidly, the demand in the domestic market has not yet been opened, but it has also risen to a new level. In 2005, 72,000 units were sold domestically, accounting for 3% of the total sales; domestic sales amounted to 200 million yuan, accounting for 12% of total sales. %. Like many manufacturing industries, the domestic dehumidifier industry is also under pressure from the soaring prices of raw materials, and the profit situation is not optimistic. According to industry sources, the average profit of the entire industry is less than 5 percentage points, and even some companies are operating at a loss.

Among the production companies, LG and Feldax are exclusively exporting products by accepting orders from foreign countries. Most other domestic companies such as TCL-DeLong and Midea also focus on overseas markets.

According to the analysis, the reasons why Chinese consumers have low awareness of dehumidifiers mainly include the following aspects:

1. Consumption awareness is not enough. Humans have a wide range of tolerance to air humidity. Generally only 2 to 3 months in a year belong to the wet period. Most consumers usually take the way to endure it. In addition, the air conditioner's dehumidification function also makes it easy for consumers to ignore the need for a dehumidifier, and only consider it as the icing on the cake.

2. The level of consumption restrictions. The dehumidifier's use of material costs is similar to that of air-conditioning (a 12-liter dehumidifier costs about the same as a 1HP air-conditioner), and due to the small market demand, production is difficult to form a scale advantage, resulting in similar prices and air-conditioning, ordinary people Unacceptable.

3. Insufficient publicity. At present, household dehumidifiers are in a state of natural sales. Vendors usually do not have promoters, and the defensive power of the dehumidifiers is also lacking, causing serious information gaps between producers and consumers.

The situation in the field of commercial dehumidifiers is very different. Commercial dehumidifiers are mainly based on the domestic market, with sales accounting for 60% of total domestic sales and sales exceeding 90%.

The current market for commercial aircraft has not really developed. The sales situation is similar to the home machine, and it is in a relatively passive situation. Many units and places need to use dehumidifiers, but do not understand the products and do not include them in the procurement scope. There are also very few procurement tendering projects related to dehumidifiers. Customers need to take the initiative to dig out, need “curve” marketing, and even dehumidifiers are only distributed as matching products to users.

The consumer groups of commercial dehumidifiers generally fall into two categories. The first type of users are not complex in their demand for products, as long as they can meet the dehumidification requirements, but have a higher sensitivity to price; the second type is the stronger units and some research institutes and other institutions, which have high requirements on the performance of the machines. Prices are secondary considerations.

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