Fire pump 3C certification how to identify the authenticity

Fire pump 3C certification how to identify the authenticity of the fire pump 3C certification fire pump compulsory certification is the Chinese government to protect consumer safety and national security, strengthen the quality control of fire pumps, in accordance with laws and regulations implemented a product conformity assessment system . Due to the adjustment of the new fire regulations, some manufacturers did not pay much attention to affixing the "3 C" mark. When the goods were purchased, the "3 C" mark was transferred to the merchant, and the "3C" mark of different specifications was confused arbitrarily when the merchant posted. At the same time there is a business in the form of certification has not been converted, did not get the fire pump 3C certification, but falsely labeled 3C label. Then for the 3C certified fire pump how to identify the authenticity of its logo? First, the 3C flag white bottom plate, black pattern; Second, the 3C logo has a strong paste, a expose that is destroyed; Third, the 3C logo is laser anti-counterfeit labels. "CC," "S, EMC, S & E" on the right side of the word "CCC" appears dark red under the firefighting fire. If you look at the "CCC" figure, you can also find small "CCC" 3C mark the most easy to counterfeit place. Each mandatory product certification mark has a unique code, Certification Authority issued a mandatory product certification mark, the code has been entered into the corresponding computer database, consumers can CNCA website Mandatory product certification mark on the security check system queries on the code. 【Print】 【Close】